Property building in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien

ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien


ウィーン、オーストリアに位置するスタイリッシュな4つ星ホテル、ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wienへようこそ。市内中心部からわずか2.6マイルの場所に位置し、このホテルは利便性と静けさの完璧な融合を提供します。2443のレビューからも明らかなように、この施設が提供する卓越したサービスと設備をゲストが愛していることがわかります。$103からの料金設定は、旅行者にとって手頃で魅力的な選択肢となっています。

ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wienでは、快適で楽しい滞在を保証するためのさまざまな素晴らしい設備を提供しています。無料のWi-Fiや24時間対応のフロントデスクから追加料金がかかる専用駐車場や空港シャトルまで、あらゆるニーズに対応しています。ゲストはビーチチェアでリラックスしたり、美しい湖や庭園、ランドマークの景色を楽しむことができます。ホテルにはレストランやバーもあり、美味しい料理や爽やかなドリンクを楽しむのに最適です。


今日からARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wienでの滞在を予約し、ウィーンのこの素晴らしいホテルの快適さと利便性を体験してください。オーストリアの活気ある首都で、一流のサービス、素晴らしい景色、そして思い出に残る滞在を楽しむチャンスをお見逃しなく。

Bedroom, Seating Area in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien
Bedroom, Seating Area in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien



1 キングサイズベッド


550 平方フィート







1 キングサイズベッド


365 平方フィート






Suite in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien


1 キングサイズベッド


550 平方フィート

スイートルーム, キングサイズ







支払いに関して、ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wienはマスターカード、ビザ、ダイナースクラブ、アメリカンエクスプレス、マエストロ、ECカード、ユニオンペイなど、さまざまな方法を受け入れています。現金払いは受け付けていないため、お好きなカードで簡単にお支払いいただけます。チェックアウト時に滞在費を支払う際に、手間のかからない体験を保証します。

ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wienには、あなたの特定のニーズに対応する複数の部屋タイプが用意されています。広々としたジュニアスイートから居心地の良いコンフォートダブルルームまで、滞在に最適な宿泊施設が見つかります。部屋は上品に飾られ、快適さを考えてデザインされており、エアコン、無料のバスアメニティ、広々としたバスルームなどの設備が備わっています。キングサイズベッドまたはクイーンサイズベッドの選択肢があり、街を探索した後の心地よい夜の睡眠を楽しむことができます。

Property building, Bird's-eye View in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien
Property Building in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien


今日からARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wienでの滞在を予約し、この素晴らしいホテルが提供するすべての快適さを体験してください。おいしいダイニングオプションから便利な支払い方法まで、ウィーンでの思い出深い滞在に必要なすべてが揃っています。このスタイリッシュな4つ星ホテルでリラックスし、再び元気を取り戻し、思い出に残る時間を過ごす機会をお見逃しなく。

Bedroom, Seating Area in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien
Bedroom, Bed in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien










Spa and wellness centre/facilities in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien
Spa and wellness centre/facilities, Seating Area in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien



モダンな, 0, グリルBBQ

Breakfast, Food in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien
Restaurant/Places to Eat in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien
Property building in ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien
The buffet breakfast in the morning was excellent. Lots of hot and cold choices. Everything was fresh. The room was clean and modern. Everything was in working order. The location was great.i was attending a conference at the VetMedUni and it was very convenient on the subway (U-line)/ tram to get there. It was also very easy to take the subway train into the core/inner stadt Vienna for tourists sites. There are several nice restaurants along the Alt Donau River shoreline working easy walling distance through UNO city. Finally, there's a fantastic park ,Donaupark, a short walk across UNO city. Great for running,walking, sight seeing and bringing kids...there's lots of playground and outdoor activities. There's an observation tower there too.


This is a very well equipped and organized business hotel opposite the Vienna International Center. Spacious set up in general as are the rooms that have all required comforts (including desk, sofa, coffee machine and large windows that can be opened. Breakfast is top class and can be had on a terrace as well. Efficient staff. Just a very good option at a decent price also.


Breakfast was good: hot scrambled eggs and "normal" eggs, becon and sauasages/meatloaf. Coffee, pastry, slices: 4 types of hams, 2 types of cheese (and more cheese on plate), salmon, 4 types of joghurt. Staff was good and friendly (however, we did not communicated that much - only check-in and check-out). Bathroom good. Empty mini-freezer in room. Near subway.


The hotel has excellent location for the businnes trip to VIC. The price is reasonable for the value. The hotel was quiet during my stay. There is convenietnt large underground parking lot for a competitive price and I could leave the car there after check-out until the end of work in the afternoon.


Pleasant and calm atmosphere, lovely breakfast area, good food, nice and efficient service staff. The room on the 5th floor (newly refurbished) was perfect. The location is top, next to Austria Center event area, near Danube beach (walks), and easily reachable - U1 subway station cca 300m away.


The buffet breakfast in the morning was excellent. Lots of hot and cold choices. Everything was fresh. The room was clean and modern. Everything was in working order. The location was great.i was attending a conference at the VetMedUni and it was very convenient on the subway (U-line)/ tram to get there. It was also very easy to take the subway train into the core/inner stadt Vienna for tourists sites. There are several nice restaurants along the Alt Donau River shoreline working easy walling distance through UNO city. Finally, there's a fantastic park ,Donaupark, a short walk across UNO city. Great for running,walking, sight seeing and bringing kids...there's lots of playground and outdoor activities. There's an observation tower there too.


This is a very well equipped and organized business hotel opposite the Vienna International Center. Spacious set up in general as are the rooms that have all required comforts (including desk, sofa, coffee machine and large windows that can be opened. Breakfast is top class and can be had on a terrace as well. Efficient staff. Just a very good option at a decent price also.


Breakfast was good: hot scrambled eggs and "normal" eggs, becon and sauasages/meatloaf. Coffee, pastry, slices: 4 types of hams, 2 types of cheese (and more cheese on plate), salmon, 4 types of joghurt. Staff was good and friendly (however, we did not communicated that much - only check-in and check-out). Bathroom good. Empty mini-freezer in room. Near subway.


The hotel has excellent location for the businnes trip to VIC. The price is reasonable for the value. The hotel was quiet during my stay. There is convenietnt large underground parking lot for a competitive price and I could leave the car there after check-out until the end of work in the afternoon.


Pleasant and calm atmosphere, lovely breakfast area, good food, nice and efficient service staff. The room on the 5th floor (newly refurbished) was perfect. The location is top, next to Austria Center event area, near Danube beach (walks), and easily reachable - U1 subway station cca 300m away.


The buffet breakfast in the morning was excellent. Lots of hot and cold choices. Everything was fresh. The room was clean and modern. Everything was in working order. The location was great.i was attending a conference at the VetMedUni and it was very convenient on the subway (U-line)/ tram to get there. It was also very easy to take the subway train into the core/inner stadt Vienna for tourists sites. There are several nice restaurants along the Alt Donau River shoreline working easy walling distance through UNO city. Finally, there's a fantastic park ,Donaupark, a short walk across UNO city. Great for running,walking, sight seeing and bringing kids...there's lots of playground and outdoor activities. There's an observation tower there too.


This is a very well equipped and organized business hotel opposite the Vienna International Center. Spacious set up in general as are the rooms that have all required comforts (including desk, sofa, coffee machine and large windows that can be opened. Breakfast is top class and can be had on a terrace as well. Efficient staff. Just a very good option at a decent price also.


Breakfast was good: hot scrambled eggs and "normal" eggs, becon and sauasages/meatloaf. Coffee, pastry, slices: 4 types of hams, 2 types of cheese (and more cheese on plate), salmon, 4 types of joghurt. Staff was good and friendly (however, we did not communicated that much - only check-in and check-out). Bathroom good. Empty mini-freezer in room. Near subway.


The hotel has excellent location for the businnes trip to VIC. The price is reasonable for the value. The hotel was quiet during my stay. There is convenietnt large underground parking lot for a competitive price and I could leave the car there after check-out until the end of work in the afternoon.


Pleasant and calm atmosphere, lovely breakfast area, good food, nice and efficient service staff. The room on the 5th floor (newly refurbished) was perfect. The location is top, next to Austria Center event area, near Danube beach (walks), and easily reachable - U1 subway station cca 300m away.



Wagramer Strasse 8, Vienna, 1220, オーストリア

ARCOTEL Kaiserwasser Wien